Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tomorrow, Thursday, August 16th, at 1 PM, Pacific, Brandy Long of Lake Washington Institute of Technology will give a presentation and lead a conversation on grading and the gradebook in Canvas.

Brandy’s description of the session: An overview of the CANVAS gradebook, to include entering grades and comments using speedgrader and the gradebook and a brief description of the types of comments that can be added. Time permitting, will also discuss extra credit, muting assignments, alt views, and category weighting

Anyone is welcome to attend.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

1st Canvas Training Day Recap/Open Office Hours

Yesterday, August 8th, at Peninsula College in beautiful Port Angeles, we held the first (of many to come) eLearning Council/State Board Canvas training day. We had around 45 people and a full day's agenda. Today's eLearning community session will be a review of yesterday's material for anyone interested and a general open office hour from 1 PM, Pacific. Anyone is welcome.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How do Outcomes in Canvas Work? Find out at an eLearning Community Session, Tomorrow August 2nd

Tomorrow, Thursday, August 2nd at 1 PM, Pacific time, our own Stephanie Delaney of Seattle Central Community College will give a presentation on outcomes in Canvas.  This is a hot topic here in Washington as many colleges and universities begin their migration.

Anyone is welcome to attend.
Stephanie’s session description:Canvas has easy to use features for tracking outcomes. Seattle Central is working on using Canvas to align and track outcomes from the course outcomes to the program outcomes to the college level outcomes. Stephanie will demonstrate how to use Canvas’ outcomes tracking features and will lead a discussion on strategies to encourage use across the campus.

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